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Configuring the Resource Menu Display

The Search Resources screen shows a listing of all resources (AG databases, subscription databases, Z39.50 databases, etc.) currently available for your library. Selected resources are indicated by a checkmark in the Guest, Patron and/or Staff columns.

  1. From the Search Resources screen (see Viewing Search Resources for details), click the Display Sources button. The Edit Resources screen displays in an additional browser window.
    • The Edit Resources screen displays all currently selected resources under the source headings to which they have been assigned (see Working with Resource Headings for details).

Edit Resources Screen

Edit Resources Screen

NOTE: You can click the Headings button to add additional source headings for your library or edit existing headings (see Working with Resource Headings for details).

  1. Use the text boxes to the left of each resource to enter its desired display sequence within its associated source heading.
    • You can enter any number from "0" through "999" as a display sequence number.
    • You can enter a unique display sequence number for each search source, or, you can use the same display sequence number for multiple resources.

      NOTE: If the same display sequence number is used for more than one search source, the associated resources are displayed in alphabetic order.

      • You can enter display sequence numbers in numeric order (1, 2, 3, etc.), or, you can skip numbers (10, 20, 30, etc.) to allow for insertion of new resources between existing resources without the need to resequence the entire list.
    • When display sequence numbers have been entered for all listed resources within each source heading, click the Submit button to save your changes, then click the Back button to close the Edit Resources screen and return to the Search Resources screen.

      NOTE: You must enter a display sequence number for all listed resources. If you do not enter a display sequence number for a given search source, the display sequence value for the search source will revert to "0" when you submit your changes.