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Editing Reference Sources

Reference sources are defined by Auto-Graphics, and are made available to libraries, consortia and collectives on a case-by-case basis. You may not make changes to the site definition for reference sources. You may edit authentication information and the database long and short names. Access to reference source definitions is made available from the system-wide Public Search Resources screen (see Viewing System-Wide Resources for details).

To edit reference sources:

  1. 1. From the Public Search Sources screen, click the name of the reference source you wish to edit.
    • The Reference Database Definition screen displays.

Reference Database Definition Screen

Reference Database Definition Screen

  1. If authentication is required when accessing the reference source (as in the case of subscription or private databases), select the appropriate authentication type from the Authentication Type menu.
    • If authentication is not required when accessing the search source, select No Authentication from the Authentication Type menu.
  2. If Customer Authentication is selected, enter or edit the appropriate authentication information in the User ID, Password and/or Group ID text boxes. This information will be used for authentication when the search source is accessed by any library within your consortium or collective.

    NOTE: Authentication information for Library Authentication must be entered at the Local Level  (see Chapter 4, MANAGNG RESOURCES for details). Authentication information for User Authentication must be entered by the library patron when a user-authenticated site is selected for searching (see the RESEARCHit Search User Guide or VERSO Search User Guide for details). It is not necessary to enter authentication information for IP Authentication.

  3. Enter or edit the full name of the reference source in the Database Name text box.
  4. If desired, enter a short name for the reference source in the Short Name text box.

    NOTE: The Short Name is prepended to the reference source in the Go To menu on all search results screens. The Short Name is optional. If you choose not to enter a short name, the system will display the word "None" in place of the short name.

  5. Enter the desired timeout period, in seconds, in the Timeout (in seconds) text box.
    • The default (minimum) timeout period is 15 seconds.

    NOTE: The timeout period determines the length of time during which the system will attempt to establish communication with the associated search source. If communication with the search source cannot be established during this period, the search source will be skipped.

  6. If your consortium or collective has enabled the optional In-Library Authentication feature, use the In Library use only radio buttons to set your preference for in-library authentication for the database:
    • Select the In Library use only - Yes radio button to configure the database for in-library authentication. The database will be accessible only from workstations with a defined valid IP address.
    • Select the In Library use only - No radio button if you do not want the database to use in-library validation.

      NOTE: Valid IP addresses for use by the in-library authentication function are established using the Define Valid IP Ranges function in the User Administration module (see the RESEARCHit User Administration User Guide or VERSO User Administration User Guide for details).

      NOTE: If the reference database Authentication Type is currently set to IP Authentication, it is not necessary to configure the database for in-library authentication. Both authentication functions use the same list of valid IP ranges (as defined in the User Administration module).

  7. Click the Submit button.
    • The screen refreshes to display the Z39.50 Database Definition screen.
  8. Click the Back button to close the Reference Source Definition screen and return to the Public Search Sources screen.