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Adding and Editing OCLC WorldCat Search Sources

To add a search source:

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have the appropriate specifications for the desired OCLC WorldCat catalog in order to create and add a new OCLC WorldCat search source or to modify an existing search source.

  1. From the Public Search Resources screen (see Viewing System-Wide Resources for details), click the Add OCLC WorldCat button.
    • The New OCLC WorldCat Database Definition screen displays.

New OCLC WorldCat Database Definition Screen

New OCLC WorldCat Database Definition Screen

  1. Enter the resource information for the new OCLC WorldCat search source:
    • Enter the full name of the OCLC WorldCat search source in the Library Name text box.
    • Enter the OCLC WorldCat search source database name in the Database ID text box.
    • If desired, enter a short name for the OCLC WorldCat search source in the Short Name text box.
  2. Click the Submit button.
    • The screen refreshes to display the OCLC WorldCat Database Definition screen.

OCLC WorldCat Database Definition Screen

OCLC WorldCat Database Definition Screen

  1. Select or enter a definition for the Host System, as appropriate:
    • To select a pre-defined site definition for the Host System, click the Host System checkbox, then select the desired definition from the associated drop-down menu.
      • To view the parameters for a pre-defined site definition, select the desired definition from the drop-down menu, then click the Host System – Help button. The site definition displays in an additional browser window. (Click the Back button to close the site definition screen.)
    • To enter a definition for the Host System, click the Self Defined button; the Site Definition screen displays in an additional browser window (see Creating or Editing an OCLC WorldCat Site Definition for details).
  2. If necessary, enter locations mapping and ILL participant information (see Mapping Locations for details) and status information definitions (see Defining Status Information for details) as appropriate.
  3. When all desired information has been entered into the site definition, click the Submit button to save your changes, then click the Back button to return to the Search Sources screen.
    • The Public Search Sources screen refreshes to display the added OCLC WorldCat resource.

To edit a search source:

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have the appropriate specifications for the desired OCLC WorldCat catalog in order to create and add a new OCLC WorldCat search source or to modify an existing search source.

  1. From the Public Search Sources screen, click the name of the OCLC WorldCat resource you wish to edit.
    • The OCLC WorldCat Database Definition screen displays. The screen is pre-filled with the current information for the associated OCLC WorldCat site.
  2. Edit information as desired by following the procedures used to add a search source.