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Patron Groups

Patron Group statistics show the number of patrons and staff members that are associated with each Patron Group defined in your library’s VERSO database.

NOTE: Statistics staff can generate Patron Group statistics reports only for the library under which they logged in. Customer SuperUsers can generate Patron Group statistics reports for a single, selected library or for ALL libraries.

To request a Patron Group statistics report:

  1. From the Statistics menu (see The Statistics Menu for details), select Patron Statistics - Patron Groups.
    • The Select Report screen displays.

Patron Groups Select Report Screen

Patron Groups Select Report Screen

  1. For Customer SuperUsers only: Select the library for which you wish to view statistics from the Select a Library menu.
    • Select the desired library, or select [All] to view statistics for all libraries.
  2. Select the desired output format for the report using the Report Format radio buttons.
    • To view the report:
      • To view the report on-screen in HTML format, select the View Report - HTML radio button.
      • To download the report for viewing in Adobe Acrobat, select the View Report - PDF radio button.
      • To download the report for viewing in Microsoft Excel, select the View Report - Excel radio button.
    • To email the report:

      NOTE: When an Email Report option is selected, the report entry screen refreshes to display the To and Subject text boxes.

      • To email the report in Adobe Acrobat format, select the Email Report - PDF radio button.
      • To email the report in Microsoft Excel format, select the Email Report - Excel radio button.
      • Enter the recipient’s email address in the To text box. If you wish to send the records to more than one person, separate multiple email addresses with semicolons. Do not include spaces between email addresses.
      • Enter the desired subject line for the email in the Subject text box.
  3. Click the Run Statistics link.
    • If you selected the View Report - PDF or View Report - Excel radio button, a File Download dialog displays (see Saving Patron Statistics for details).
    • If you selected the Email Report - PDF or Email Report - Excel radio button, the message “The report result has been emailed to the following recipient(s) : (email address)” displays at the top of the report entry screen.
    • If you selected the View Report - HTML radio button, the report displays in an additional browser window.
  4. The Patron Groups Statistics screen provides the following information for each Patron Group:
    • "All Libraries" Report: The report is subdivided by the LibraryId for each library included in the report, with statistics shown for each library and Home Location from which items were circulated.

Patron Groups Statistics Screen – All Libraries

Patron Groups Statistics Screen – All Libraries

Patron Groups Statistics Screen – Single Library

Patron Groups Statistics Screen – Single Library

  1. Close the Patron Categories Statistics browser window to return to the Select Report screen.
  2. Click the Close Close Button button to close the Select Report screen and return to the Staff Dashboard.