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Staff Login Activity Report

The Staff Login Activity Report generates a list that shows the most recent login date for qualifying staff users (based on a specified cutoff date) at one or more selected libraries within your consortium or collective.

To generate the Staff Login Activity Report:

  1. From the Statistics menu (see The Statistics Menu for details), select ILL Statistics – Staff Login Activity Report.
    • The Staff Login Activity Report screen displays.

Staff Login Activity Report Screen

Staff Login Activity Report Screen

  1. Select the desired format for the report from the Select Format menu:
  2. Enter the cutoff date for the report in the Last Login Date is on or Before text box.
    • The report will include only those staff members whose most recent login occurred on or before the date specified.
    • Enter the desired date using the format “MM/DD/YYYY”, i.e., “01/01/2019.”

      NOTE: Be sure to include the slashes “/” when entering the date. Do not include alphabetic characters when entering the date.

      • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Last Login Date is on or Before text box to select a date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  3. Use the Select Libraries options to select the libraries for which the report will be generated:
    • Current Library – Report will be generated for the current library (the library under which you logged in) only.
    • All Libraries – Reports will be generated for all libraries in your consortium or collective.
    • Use Selected Libraries – Report will be generated for only those libraries selected from the list of available libraries.
  4. If the Select Libraries – Use Selected Libraries option is chosen, select the library or libraries for which you wish to generate the report from the list of available libraries:
    • The library list shows the Library Type, Resource Group, Library Code and Library Name for all libraries in your consortium or collective. The list is initially sorted in alphabetical order by Library Code. If desired, you can reconfigure, sort and filter table content (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
    • Use the associated checkboxes to select the libraries to be included in the report. You can include multiple libraries in a report.
      • A checkmark selected checkbox indicates the associated library is selected (will be included in the report).
      • An empty checkbox unselected checkbox indicates the associated library is not selected (will not be included in the report).
      • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
      • Click the Select All Displayed Libraries link to select the checkboxes for all currently displayed libraries.
      • Click the Deselect All Libraries link to deselect the checkboxes for all libraries.
  5. Click the Submit button to submit your report request.
    • If you selected HTML from the Select Format menu during report setup, the screen refreshes to display the Staff Activity Report screen.

Staff Activity Report Screen

Staff Activity Report Screen

  • Click the Return to Staff Login Report Selector link to return to the Staff Login Activity Report screen.

To view the Staff Activity Report:

The Staff Activity Report contains a separate entry for each staff member included in the report. The report header provides a summary of the report criteria. Each entry is comprised of the following data fields:

Staff Activity Report Data Fields

Data Field


Library Name

The full name of the library.

Library Code The library code assigned to the library.
Library Type The library type assigned to the library
Resource Group The Resource Group with which the library is associated.
Staff Username The username of the staff member.
Date of Last Login The date of the most recent login by the associated staff member.