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The Lender Record Counts Report

The Lender Record Counts report shows the number of all ILL requests received by your library to lend materials or supply photocopies to other libraries. The requests are grouped according to current status. A summary of status categories for ILL requests (for both borrower and lender) is listed below. You can also download the Lender Record Counts report in Microsoft Excel format.

NOTE: To view the number of ILL requests submitted as a borrower, you must use the Borrower Record Counts option.

ILL Status Definitions



Awaiting Approval

Request is awaiting approval before being sent to participant lenders. Automatic Approval permissions may be set on a patron-by-patron basis or as an option setting to enable all requests to be sent directly to the first potential lender.

Pending Request has been received by lender, but has not yet been acknowledged.
Conditional Lender can supply the requested item subject to the condition(s) specified.
Not-Received/Overdue Lender has sent an Overdue notification to borrower for an item that has not yet been received by borrower.
Pending Cancel Borrower has indicated that the request is to be cancelled.
Will Supply/In Process Request has been accepted by lender, but has not been filled.
Lost Requested/borrowed item has been declared lost by either borrower or lender.
Shipped Lender has shipped requested item to borrower.
Not Received Borrower has not received item from lender, and deadline (days to supply) has passed.
Received Borrower has received item from lender.
Recalled Lender needs item returned before due date.
Renew Pending Borrower requests loan renewal for item from lender.
Accepted Renewal Lender allows borrower to renew loan.
Rejected Renewal Lender denies renewal of loan.
Overdue Borrower has not returned item to lender, and due date has passed.
Returned Borrower has shipped item back to lender.
Retry Lender suggests that borrower resubmit the ILL request at a later date.
Complete Lender has received material returned by borrower (the ILL transaction is complete).
Unfilled Borrower’s request has not/will not be filled by any lender.
Expired Need By date for the request has passed.
Cancelled Request has been cancelled by borrower.
Renew/Overdue Borrower requests loan renewal for item from lender and due date for the item has expired.


To view Lender Record Counts:

  1. From the Statistics menu (see The Statistics Menu for details), select ILL Statistics – Lender Record Counts.
    • The Lender’s Record Counts screen displays.

Lender’s Record Counts Screen

Lender’s Record Counts Screen

  1. The screen displays a summary of active and completed requests, indicating totals for each status category.

To download the Lender Record Counts report:

  1. Click the Download button on the Lender’s Record Counts screen.
  2. Use the standard procedures for your web browser to download the file to a local workstation.
    • Depending on your browser, a status dialog may display while the file is being downloaded. When the download is complete, a "Download Complete" message displays. Click the Close button to close the status dialog.