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The Lender Days to Supply Report

The Lender Days to Supply Report provides historic data on the time taken for ILL requests received by your library as a lender during a given report period to be filled (i.e., the number of days from when a request is received as Pending until you marked it as Shipped). Each report period is one month long. Reports can be requested for a single month or for a range of months. The Lender Days to Supply Report displays summarized report data for each report period in chronological order, and a summary of all report periods at the end of the report. You can also generate a hard-copy printout of the Lender Days to Supply Report, or download the report in Microsoft Excel format.

NOTE: To view historical data on the time taken to receive materials requested as a borrower, you must use the Borrower Days to Receive Report option.

To request the Days to Supply Report:

  1. From the Statistics menu (see The Statistics Menu for details), select ILL Statistics – Lender Days to Supply Report.
    • The Lender’s Days to Supply Report screen displays.

Lender’s Days to Supply Report Screen

Lender’s Days to Supply Report Screen

  1. Enter or edit the beginning and ending dates for the report in the Start Date and End Date text boxes.
    • Enter dates using the format MM/DD/YYYY, including slashes. The default start date is the first day of the current month. The default end date is the last day of the current month. The earliest date for which you can retrieve reports is determined by the extent of your system’s data records.

      NOTE: Always use the first day of any given month as the start date. If any other date of the month is entered, the start date will revert to the first day of the entered month for the requested report. Always use the last day of any given month as the end date. If any other date of the month is entered, the end date will revert to the last day of the entered month for the requested report.

  2. Click the Submit button to retrieve the Days to Supply Report. (To return the Days to Supply Report screen to its initial settings, click the Reset button.)
    • The screen displays the Lender’s Days to Supply Report for the selected library and time period.

      NOTE: If you enter a date range for which statistics do not exist, the message “No statistics available for this Library Code or Date.” displays when you submit your report request. Click the Go Back button to return to the previous screen and enter a new date range.

    • Use the scroll bar as needed to view the entire Days to Supply Report.
    • The Days to Supply Report displays summarized report data for each report period (month) in chronological order. The final entry in the report contains a summary of data for all periods in the report.

To print the Lender Days to Supply Report:

  1. Click the Format to Print button.
    • An additional browser window opens, displaying the formatted Days to Supply Report.
  2. Click the Staff Screen Toolbar Open Staff Screen Toolbar Open Button button to display the staff screen toolbar, then click the Staff Screen Print Staff Screen Print Button button. 
    • A standard Print dialog displays.
  3. Make the appropriate selections on the Print dialog, then click the OK or Print button, as applicable. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the print request.)
  4. Close the formatted Days to Supply report.

To download the Lender Days to Supply Report:

  1. Click the Download button on the Lender’s Days to Supply Report screen.
  2. Use the standard procedures for your web browser to download the file to a local workstation.
    • Depending on your browser, a status dialog may display while the file is being downloaded. When the download is complete, a "Download Complete" message displays. Click the Close button to close the status dialog.