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Viewing an Item Exceptions List

You can view a list of items associated with any Exception shown in the Item Exceptions report.

To view an Item Exceptions list:

Item Exceptions List

Item Exceptions List

To change the status for an item:

NOTE: You cannot change the status of items with a current exception of Checked Out or Patron Lost.

  1. Access the Item Exceptions List for the desired Exception.
  2. Select the Seq checkbox(es) for the item(s) for which you wish to change the exception.
    • A checkmark selected checkbox indicates the exception for the associated item will be changed.
    • An empty checkbox unselected checkbox indicates the exception for the associated item will not be changed.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  3. Choose the exception you wish to apply to the selected items from the Change status of checked items to menu.
    • The Change status of checked items to menu lists all exceptions currently defined for your library.
  4. Click the Submit button.
    • The screen refreshes with the selected items removed from the list.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to change the exception for additional items.
  6. When the exception has been changed for all desired items, click the Close button to return to the Item Exceptions report screen or click the Close Close Button button to close the screen and return to the Staff Dashboard.