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Adding a “Soft” Reserve

You may place a “soft” reserve against any title in your library's catalog. A “soft” reserve is generally placed when all copies of a title are currently unavailable. In the event “soft” reserves are already placed against a title, the new reserve is assigned the next sequential number in the reserves list. Reserves are generally processed in the order received.

To add a “soft” reserve to a title:

  1. Access the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen for the desired patron (see Viewing Patron Status for details).

    NOTE: If warnings are currently placed against the patron (patron is nearing expiration date, patron has overdue items, etc.), the Patron Warning Screen displays (see Viewing the Patron Warning Screen for details).

    NOTE: If the patrons borrowing privileges are currently blocked (either manually or by system-imposed “hard” blocks), the message “You cannot continue with this patron” displays. The condition causing the “block” must be rectified before checkout can continue. Depending on the specific reason that the patron is blocked, you can optionally override the block to continue with the checkout (see Viewing the Patron Warning Screen for details).

  2. Click the Reserves tab to view the Reserves page of the Patron Status, Checkout & Reserves screen. The Reserves page shows the items currently placed on “soft” reserve for the associated patron. Each line in the listing provides the following information:

Reserves Page

Reserves Page

NOTE: The Reserves field provides the facility for removing a reserve for any title for the current patron (see Deleting “Soft” Reserves for details).

  1. Click the Checkout tab to access the Checkout page of the Patron Status, Checkout & Reserves screen.
  2. Enter the barcode or title of the item for which you wish to place a reserve in the Enter Item Barcode text box.
    • When entering a barcode, enter the complete barcode.

      NOTE: If your library has enabled searching by partial barcode (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details), you may enter a complete or partial barcode.

    • When entering a title, you may enter a complete or partial title.

      NOTE: When entering a partial title, do not skip words. For example, when searching for "Gone with the Wind", you may enter "gone with" as your search term; you may not enter "gone wind".

  3. Select Reserve Item from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Submit button.
    • If you entered a barcode for which a matching item barcode is found, Reserve a Title screen for the associated title displays (see step 8).
      • If you entered a barcode for which a matching item barcode is not found, the system performs a search of the patron database for a matching barcode. If a matching patron barcode is found, the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen for the associated patron displays.
      • If neither a matching item barcode or patron barcode is found, the Searching by Title screen displays.

Searching by Title Screen

Searching by Title Screen

Select Item List

Select Item List

  • If desired, you may submit a search for a new item (see step 7).
  1. To submit a new search from the Searching by Title screen:
    • Enter the desired barcode, title, author’s name or call number in the Enter Barcode or Search a Different Field text box.
      • When entering a barcode, enter the complete barcode.

        NOTE: If your library has enabled searching by partial barcode (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details), you may enter a complete or partial barcode.

      • When entering a title, you may enter a complete or partial title.

        NOTE: When entering a partial title, do not skip words. For example, when searching for "Gone with the Wind", you may enter "gone with" as your search term; you may not enter "gone wind".

      • When entering an author’s name, enter the last name first.
      • When entering a call number, enter the complete call number.
      • When entering an ISBN number, enter the complete ISBN number.
    • For Title, Author, Call Number or ISBN searches, select the appropriate heading from the If not found, search by menu.
    • Click the Submit button to submit your search.
      • If you entered a barcode or call number and a match is found, the Reserve a Title screen for the associated item displays (see step 8).
      • If you entered a barcode or call number and a match is not found, or if you entered a title, author’s name or ISBN, a list of titles, authors or call numbers or ISBNs displays, as appropriate, beginning with the entry that most closely matched your search criteria.
      • Use the scrollbar to view the current page of the list. Use the Previous and Next buttons to view other pages of the list.
      • Click a title in the list to view holdings information for the item. The View Holdings Info For section of the screen refreshes to all items for the associated title. Each line in the list shows the Title and Author of the item, the number of copies your Library Owns, and the number of currently Available Items. Use the scrollbar to view the entire list. Click the Reserve Item button to display the Reserve a Title screen for the item (see step 8).

Reserve a Title Screen

Reserve a Title Screen

NOTE: When placing a “soft” reserve, the reserve is placed for any copy of the title, not just the selected copy of the title.

NOTE: If the desired title cannot be located, click the Add Brief Record button to add a “brief” record for the desired title to your library’s database (see Adding a Brief Record for details).

  1. The Reserve a Title screen provides the following information:
    • The name of the patron for whom the reserve is being placed, and the Title & Author of the item for which the reserve is being placed are shown at the top of the screen.
    • A listing of all copies of the title owned by your library is shown at the bottom of the screen. Each line in the listing shows library Locations of all copies of the item, the Call number and Barcode of each item listed, and the current Status of the item.
    • If the patron’s reserve limit (established through the Circulation Administration module) has been reached, the message “Reserve Limit Reached” displays at the top of the screen, along with the established Reserve Limit and the Current Reserve Count for the patron. Click the Cancel button if you wish to cancel the reserve.
  2. Select the desired pickup location for the item from the Pickup Location menu.
  3. If the reserve is not needed by the patron until after a given date, click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Not Needed Before text box to enter the appropriate date (see the Systems Basics User Guide for details).
  4. If desired, click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Cancel If Not Filled by text box to enter an expiration date for the reserve (see the Systems Basics User Guide for details).
  5. Select the Reserve Any Item checkbox to place a “Title Level” reserve to be filled by any copy of the title, or select a Specific Item checkbox to place an “Item Level” reserve to be filled by the specified item only.

    NOTE: “Item Level” reserve functionality is enabled through the Circulation Administration module. If your library has not enabled “Item Level” reserve functionality, the Specific Item checkboxes are not available, and the reserve is placed at the “Title Level” by default.

  6. Click the Reserve button on the Reserve a Title screen.
    • The Reserve a Title screen closes automatically, and the Patron Status, Checkout & Reserves screen refreshes with the reserved title added to the Reserves page.
  7. Repeat steps 4 through 11, as appropriate, to place additional “soft” reserves for the current patron.

    NOTE: When a copy of a title for which “soft” reserves have been placed is checked in, you may select to place a “hard” reserve for the item (from the Check In screen) for any patron who currently has a “soft” reserve for the item (see Converting a “Soft” Reserve to a “Hard” Reserve for details).