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Viewing Items Out

Click the Items Out tab at the top of the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen to display the Items Out page. The Items Out page lists all items currently checked out to the patron. Items out are initially listed in chronologic order, by Due Date. The Items Out also provides access to the Lost and Claimed Returned Items page (see Viewing Lost and Claimed Returned Items for details).

NOTE: The Items Out tab includes a parenthetical notation that shows the number of active checkouts for the patron and the number of items registered as “lost” or “claimed returned” against the patron’s account; e.g., (4+3).

The Items Out page provides the following information for each item out:

Items Out Page – Items Out

Items Out Page – Items Out

NOTE: The Items Out page provides access to the Item Renewal function, which allows for renewal of the loan period for one or more currently checked out items (see Renewing a Checkout for details).

NOTE: The Items Out page provides access to the Patron Lost function, allowing the “lost” exception to be applied to an item currently checked out to the patron (see Managing Lost Items for details).

NOTE: The Items Out page provides access to the Patron Claimed Returned function, allowing the “claimed returned” exception to be applied to an item currently checked out to the patron (see Managing Lost Items for details).

If desired, you can re-sort the Items Out list according to a selected sort key.