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Borrower's ILL Status Definitions - Borrower Retry



Result if No
Action is Taken


NOTE: Retry status is active only when the Allow Retry as Borrower option in the borrower’s Participant Record is set to Yes (see Participant Record Data Fields Chart and Updating a Participant Record for more information). In cases where the Allow Retry as Borrower option in the borrower’s Participant Record is set to No, and all lenders provide a response indicating they are not currently able to supply the requested item, the request is placed in Unfilled status.

Lender is not currently able to supply the requested item and asks that borrower resubmit the ILL request at a later date. You may respond to a Retry request by selecting one of the following options from the Status menu:

NOTE: If the Allow Retry as Borrower option AND the Automatically resend requests in Retry option in the borrower’s Participant Record are set to Yes (see Participant Record Data Fields Chart and Updating a Participant Record for more information), requests in Retry status are automatically updated to Approved - Send by the system a specified number of days after being placed in Retry status. No manual action by the borrower is required.

NOTE: Borrower’s Full Record Displays for requests with a status of Retry may include a Rebuild Lender List button (see Full Record Display for details). The Rebuild Lender List function allows library staff to use the existing source record for an ILL Request to rebuild the Lender List and automatically resubmit the ILL Request (see Rebuilding a Lender List for details).

  • Approved-Send – This option indicates the ILL request has been approved by appropriate library staff, and the request is forwarded to the specified lender(s).

    • Selecting this option sets lender’s status for this request to Pending.

    NOTE: You may need to change the Need By date on the Full Record Display of the ILL request to prevent the request from being placed in Expired status.

  • Delete – This option flags the associated request for deletion. The request is deleted during midnight processing.

  • ILL Review – For systems that have enabled the optional “Modify Existing Request” functionality, this option allows for editing of the ILL Request  (see Modifying an Existing Request for details).

    • Selecting this option sets borrower’s status for this request to ILL Review.

    NOTE: The ILL Review option is available only to Library SuperUsers or Customer SuperUsers.

NOTE: The Full Record Display for requests with a status of Retry includes a For Patron: Why Request was not Filled field. Text entered in this field is viewable by the patron through the ILL Request Tracking feature. Text is displayed to the patron in the Status field under the heading Note from library staff. This field is intended to allow library staff to inform the patron of the reason(s) the request was not filled.

NOTE: For libraries participating in the Inter-System Sharing Initiative (ISSI): If your library has not enabled the Automatically Send To ISSI Lenders option in the Library ISSI Configuration for your library (see Configuring Library-Level ISSI Options for details), Status menus on the Retry Status Browse List and the Status Options menu on Full Record Displays for requests with a status of Retry include a Send to ISSI option. Selecting this option sends the unfilled request(s) to up to 20 ISSI lenders (see Sending Unfilled/Retry Requests to ISSI Lenders for details).

Midnight Processing moves request to Expired after Need by date for the request has passed.