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Chapter 2. SCOPING



Setting Library / Location Scoping

To set library scoping (RESEARCHit/SHAREit):

  1. Access the View Scoping screen for the scoping level for which you wish to set library scoping (see Viewing Library / Location Scoping for details).
  2. Use the Scoping and View menus, as desired, to limit the libraries included in the list.
  3. Use the (scoping level) checkboxes to assign libraries to the currently selected scoping level.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated library is a member of the currently selected scoping level.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated library is not a member of the currently selected scoping level.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    NOTE: Optionally, you may choose to assign a selected library to multiple scoping levels (see Setting Scoping for a Selected Library / Location for details); or copy scoping assignments from the currently selected scoping level to another existing scoping level, or to a new scoping level (see Copying Scoping Assignments for details).

  4. Use the Location Group menus to assign libraries to a location group:
    • The Location Group menus list all currently defined location groups.
    • If you do not wish to assign a library to any location group, select None from the associated Location Group menu.
  5. When the desired scoping and location group assignments for all libraries on the current page of the list have been set, click the Submit button.

    NOTE: When setting library scoping, you MUST submit your changes on a page-by-page basis. If you make scoping level and/or location group assignments for libraries on a given page of the View Scoping list, then view another page of the list before submitting your changes, the current selections WILL NOT be retained.

    • The View Scoping screen refreshes to display your changes.
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for the remaining pages of the list, as appropriate.

To set location scoping (VERSO):

  1. Access the View Scoping screen for the scoping level for which you wish to set location scoping (see Viewing Library / Location Scoping for details).
  2. Use the Scoping and View menus, as desired, to limit the locations included in the list.
  3. Use the (scoping level) checkboxes to assign locations to the currently selected scoping level.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated location is a member of the currently selected scoping level.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated location is not a member of the currently selected scoping level.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

      NOTE: Optionally, you may choose to assign a selected library to multiple scoping levels (see Setting Scoping for a Selected Library / Location for details); or copy scoping assignments from the currently selected scoping level to another existing scoping level, or to a new scoping level (see Copying Scoping Assignments for details).

  4. Use the Location Group menus to assign locations to a location group:
    • The Location Group menus list all currently defined location groups.
    • If you do not wish to assign a location to any location group, select None from the associated Location Group menu.
  5. When the desired scoping and location group assignments for all locations on the current page of the list have been set, click the Submit button.

    NOTE: When setting location scoping, you MUST submit your changes on a page-by-page basis. If you make scoping level and/or location group assignments for locations on a given page of the View Scoping list, then view another page of the list before submitting your changes, the current selections WILL NOT be retained.

    • The View Scoping screen refreshes to display your changes.
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for the remaining pages of the list, as appropriate.