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Organization of the User Guide

This User Guide is designed to provide an overview of the features and functions of VERSO Statistics, and includes the detailed procedures for requesting, creating and viewing statistical reports. The User Guide is divided into six chapters, as follows:

Chapter 1 – Introduction. This chapter explains how to prepare to use Statistics. The chapter includes hardware/software requirements, system availability, and system Login and Logoff.

Chapter 2 – Reports. This chapter provides the procedures to generate, view, and save analytical reports intended to provide insight into various library operational parameters.

Chapter 3 – Viewing Circulation Statistics. This chapter provides the procedures to request and view statistical reports related to your library’s Circulation activities.

Chapter 4 – Viewing Patron Statistics. This chapter provides the procedures to request and view Patron Category and Patron Group statistics.

Chapter 5 – Viewing ILL Statistics. This chapter provides the procedures to request, create and view statistical reports related to your library’s Interlibrary Loan (ILL) activities.

Chapter 6 – Viewing Database Statistics. This chapter provides the procedures to request, create and view statistical reports related to the content and usage of your library’s VERSO database(s).

Chapter 7 – Customer SuperUser. This chapter provides the procedures to request, create and view statistical reports as a Customer SuperUser.