Viewing Circulation Statistics - Overview
The Circulation Statistics function lets you view circulation, patron and fine activity statistics for a selected day, month or year. Six statistics reports are available:
- Patron Category - Shows the total number of checkouts and renewals, by patron category, for a selected time period.
- Patron Group - Shows the total number of checkouts and renewals, by patron group, for a selected time period.
- Item Material Type - Shows the total number of check outs, renewals and check ins, by material type, for a selected time period.
- Item Location Detail - Shows the total number of checkouts, renewals, check ins and items shelved, by item location and material type, for a selected time period.
- Item Location Summary – Shows the total number of checkouts, renewals, check ins and items shelved, by item location, for a selected time period.
- Intra-Library - Shows the total number of checkouts, renewals, check ins and items shelved, by item category, for a selected time period for items borrowed from other libraries or loaned to other libraries.
- Item Category - Shows the total number of checkouts, renewals, check ins and items shelved, by item category, for a selected time period.
- Patron Activity - Shows the total number of patrons added, edited and deleted, by patron category, for a selected time period.
- Fine Activity - Shows your library's fine and fee activities for a selected time period.
- Library Defined Patron Stats - Shows the number of checkouts and renewals by patrons associated with a selected library defined field.
- Item Activity - Shows the total number of items added, edited, and deleted, by material type, for a selected time period.
- Bib Activity - Shows the total number of bibliographic records added, edited, and deleted, by media type, for a selected time period.
- Item Exceptions - Shows the total number of item records associated with each exception category defined for your library.
- In Transit Items - Shows the circulation activity for items “in transit,” for a selected time period.
- Floating Items Add - Shows the total number of items added to local collections, by location, as a result of “rotation” from another library.
- Floating Items Remove - Shows the total number of items removed from local collections, by location, as a result of “rotation” to another library.
- Floating Items Material Types - Shows statistics for “floating” items by material type.