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Requesting a Statistics Report

NOTE: Library PAC Administration Staff members and Library SuperUsers may request Statistics Reports for their library only; Customer SuperUsers may request individual Statistics Reports for any library, or a combination Statistics Reports for multiple selected libraries. See Chapter 7, CUSTOMER SUPERUSER for details.

To request a Statistics Report:

NOTE: Certain parameter combinations are not compatible (see Understanding Statistics Report Parameters for details). If a report request containing incompatible parameters is submitted, an error message displays, identifying the incompatibility. Revise your report parameter selections as necessary, and resubmit the report request.

  1. From the Statistics menu (see The Statistics Menu for details), select Database Statistics – Statistics Report.
    • The Statistics Report screen displays.

Statistics Report

Statistics Report

  1. Select the desired type of report from the Type of Report drop-down menu.
  2. Select the starting date for the report period from the Start Date drop-down menus; select the ending date for the report period from the End Date drop-down menus.
  3. Select the content you wish included in the report using the Content Includes checkboxes.
    • A checkmark selected checkbox indicates the associated content will be included in the report.
    • An empty checkbox unselected checkbox indicates the associated content will not be included in the report.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • You may select multiple Content Includes checkboxes.
  4. Select the desired output format for the report using the Output Report To radio buttons.
  5. Enter the maximum number of lines you wish displayed on each page of the report in the Maximum number of records display per page text box.

    NOTE: The Maximum number of records display per page is applied only when the Output Report To - The Screen option is selected. If you leave the text box blank, the report will be displayed on a single page.

  6. When all desired report parameters have been entered, click the Submit button to submit your report request.

    NOTE: If you have omitted a mandatory field, or have made an invalid selection, an error message displays at the top of the Statistics Report entry screen. Modify the report parameters as necessary, then click the Submit button to resubmit your request.

    • The message “Statistics Report is being processed, please wait.” displays while the file is processed.
    • If you selected the Output Report To - The Screen radio button, the screen refreshes to display the Statistics Report Summary (see Viewing Statistics Reports for details).
    • If you selected the Output Report To - A File for Download radio button, the Statistics Report Download screen displays (see Downloading Statistics Reports for details).