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Searches with Zero Results

The Searches with Zero Results function generates a list of searches for a specified time period that returned zero results. The report can be generated for all libraries or for a single, selected library. You can also print the report or download a copy of the report in Microsoft Excel format.

To generate the Searches with Zero Results report:

  1. From the Statistics menu (see The Statistics Menu for details), select ILL Statistics – Searches with Zero Results.
    • The Searches with Zero Results screen displays.

Searches with Zero Results Report Screen

Searches with Zero Results Report Screen

  1. Enter the starting date for the report period in the From Date text box; enter the ending date for the report period in the To Date text box.
    • Enter the From Date and To Date using the format “MM/DD/YYYY”, i.e., “10/21/2019.”

      NOTE: Be sure to include the slashes “/” when entering the From Date and To Date. Do not include alphabetic characters when entering the From Date and To Date.

      • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar Date Entry Calendar icon 1 icon next to the Start Date or End Date text box to select a date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  2. Select the library for which you wish to generate the report from the Library menu.

    NOTE: The Library menu lists all libraries in your consortium or collective.

    • Select All Libraries from the Library menu to generate the report for all libraries in your consortium or collective.
  3. Click the Submit button.
    • The screen refreshes to display the list of searches with zero results for the specified Library and time period.

To view the Searches with Zero Results report:

The Searches with Zero Results report contains a separate entry for each search included in the report. Each entry is comprised of the following data fields:

Searches with Zero Results Report Data Fields

Data Field


Date The date and time at which the search was performed.
Search Type The type or search; Simple, Advanced or Others.
Search Term(s) The term(s) entered for the search.
Index The index(es) selected for the search.
Qualifiers Any qualifiers applied to the search.
Search Resource(s) The resources included in the search.
Customer Code Code assigned by Auto-Graphics to the customer (system) under which the search was performed.
Library Code Code assigned by Auto-Graphics to the library under which the search was performed.
Library Name The full name of the library under which the search was performed.
Library Type (Participant Record) The Library Type (as defined in the library’s Participant Record (see the ILL Administration User Guide for more information).
Resource Group (PAC Admin) The Resource Group to which the library is assigned (see the PAC Administration User Guide for more information).


To print the Searches with Zero Results report:

  1. Click the Print button.
    • An additional browser window or tab opens, displaying the formatted report.
    • A standard Print dialog displays.
  2. Make the appropriate selections on the Print dialog, then click the OK or Print button, as applicable. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the print request.)

To download the Searches with Zero Results report:

NOTE: Files are saved in Microsoft Excel format.

  1. Click the Download as Excel button.
    • A File Download dialog displays.
  2. Use the standard procedures for your browser to save the file to the desired location.
    • Depending on your browser, a status dialog may display while the file is being downloaded. When the download is complete, a "Download Complete" message displays. Click the Close button to close the status dialog.