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Stayed Too Long Report

The Stayed Too Long Report generates a list of active ILL requests that have remained “idle” in a selected status for greater than a specified number of days. The report can be generated for either Borrower or Lender, for one or more status categories. Statistics staff and Library SuperUsers can generate the report for their library only. Customer SuperUsers for one or more selected libraries. The report is generated in Microsoft Excel format.

To generate the Stayed Too Long Report:

  1. From the Statistics menu (see The Statistics Menu for details), select ILL Statistics – Stayed Too Long Report.
    • The Stayed Too Long Report screen displays.

Stayed Too Long Report Screen

Stayed Too Long Report Screen

  1. Select the ILL role for which you wish to generate the report from the Role menu, either Borrower or Lender.
  2. Select the status(es) for which you wish to generate the report from the Status menu:

    NOTE: The Status menu shows only those statuses applicable to the selected Role.

    • Using the left mouse button, click the status for which you wish to generate the report. The selected status is highlighted.
    • To select multiple statuses from the list, press and hold the <Ctrl> key, then use the left mouse button to click each status for which you wish to generate the report.
    • To select several contiguous statuses from the list, double-click and hold the left mouse button, then drag through the list to select the desired statuses.
  3. Specify the “cutoff” period for the report using the Number of Days text box:
    • You can enter a value from “0” to “999” days. The default value for Number of Days is “30.”
    • Requests that have remained in a selected Status for a period of time equal to or greater than the specified Number of Days will be included in the report.
    • Requests that have remained in a selected Status for a period of time less than the specified Number of Days will not be included in the report.
  4. Select the library or libraries for which you wish to generate the report from the list of available libraries:
    • The library list shows the Library Type, Library Code and Library Name for all libraries for which you can generate reports. The list is initially sorted in alphabetical order by Library Code. If desired, you can reconfigure, sort and filter table content (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
    • Use the associated checkboxes to select the libraries to be included in the report. You can include multiple libraries in a report.
      • A checkmark selected checkbox indicates the associated library is selected (will be included in the report).
      • An empty checkbox unselected checkbox indicates the associated library is not selected (will not be included in the report).
      • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
      • Click the Select All Libraries link to select the checkboxes for all libraries in the list.
      • Click the Deselect All Libraries link to deselect the checkboxes for all libraries in the list.
  5. Click the Submit button to submit your report request.
    • When the report has completed, a File Download dialog displays.
  6. Select the “save” option on the File Download dialog.
  7. Use the standard procedures for your web browser to download the file to a local workstation.

To view the Stayed Too Long Report:

The Stayed Too Long Report contains a separate entry for each ILL request included in the report. The report header provides a summary of the report criteria. Each entry is comprised of the following data fields:

Stayed Too Long Report Data Fields

Data Field


Library Code

The library code assigned to the library for which the report was generated (borrower or current lender, as applicable).

Library Name The full name of the library.
Status The current status of the ILL request.
Title The title for which the ILL request was submitted.
Request Id The system assigned Request ID for the ILL request.
Current Lender Code The library code assigned to the current lender (shown only for reports where Role selection is Borrower).
Current Lender Name The full name of the current lender (shown only for reports where Role selection is Borrower).
Borrower Code The library code assigned to the borrowing library (shown only for reports where Role selection is Lender).
Borrower Name The full name of the borrowing library (shown only for reports where Role selection is Lender).
Date of Status Change The date on which the ILL request entered the current Status.