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Adding an Item

You can add a new item record to a selected bibliographic record.

NOTE: For assistance with adding an item, click the Menu icon Menu icon in the Add Item screen header and choose Help to access VERSO’s online Help system.

To add an item:

  1. To add an item from a Full Record Display:
    • Access the Full Record Display for the title to which you wish to add an item (see the Search User Guide for details).
    • Select Add Item from the Staff Functions menu (see The Staff Functions Menu for details).
      • The Add Item screen displays. Proceed to step 4.
  2. To add an item from a search results list (see Viewing the Search Results List for details):
    • Click the Menu icon Menu Icon for the desired title.
      • A menu of available options displays.
    • Select Manage Items - Add Item.
      • The Add Item screen displays. Proceed to step 4.
  3. To add an item from the Manage Items screen (see Managing Items for details):
    • Click the Add Item button.
      • The Add Item screen displays. Proceed to step 4.

Add Item Screen

Add Item Screen

  1. A “book jacket” and brief bibliographic information for the title are shown at the top of the screen. Brief bibliographic information includes the Title, Author, and Publisher.
  2. Enter the desired information for the item on the Add Item screen.

    NOTE: If this is the first item record being added to the bibliographic record for your library, some fields on the Add Item screen may be pre-filled with default values defined by your library (see Setting Item Defaults for details). These values may be modified as desired.

    NOTE: If there are one or more item records for your library attached to the bibliographic record, the Add Item screen is pre-filled with the values from the most recently added item record. These values may be modified as desired.

    • Use the Do Not Allow Circulation checkbox to indicate circulation status for the item.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the item is not allowed for circulation.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the item is allowed for circulation.
      • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Enter the Barcode, Prefix, Item Call Number, Suffix, Copy number, item Cost, and Alternate ID in the associated text boxes.
      • If your library has enabled Auto Barcode Generation through Circulation Options (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details), the system automatically assigns a Barcode when you access the form. You may manually enter a different Barcode, if desired.
    • Select the desired material type for the item from the Material Type menu.
      • The Material Type menu lists all currently defined material types for your library.
    • Select the appropriate location for the item from the Current Location and Permanent Location menus.
      • The Current Location and Permanent Location menus list all currently defined active library locations/branches/collections for your library.
      • To search the Current Location or Permanent Location menu, click the desired menu, then enter a location, branch or collection name. The menu refreshes as you type to show only those locations that match your search term.
      • If the current location for the item will be different than the selected Permanent Location, select the current location for the item from the Current Location menu. If the current location for the item will be the same as the selected Permanent Location, click the Apply Permanent Location button Apply Permanent Location Button to apply the selected Permanent Location to the Current Location menu.
      • If the permanent location for the item will be different than the selected Current Location, select the permanent location for the item from the Permanent Location menu. If the permanent location for the item will be the same as the selected Current Location, click the Apply Current Location button Apply Permanent Location Button to apply the selected Current Location to the Permanent Location menu.
    • Select the desired system-defined standard exception (At Bindery, Claimed Returned, Deleted, Discarded, In Process, Lost, Missing, Non Circulating, On Order or Patron Lost) or locally-defined exception (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details) from the Status menu.
    • If applicable, use the Category menu to associate the item with one or more item categories.

      Item categories are intended for use in associating related items, such as a “Recommended Reading” list or list of “Special Research Resources.” Item categories are created and maintained through the Circulation Administration module (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details).

      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the item is assigned to the associated item category.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the item is not assigned to the associated item category.
      • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Enter any additional Comment or Circ Note (circulation note) in the associated text boxes.

      NOTE: The Comment may each be a maximum of 256 characters, including spaces. The Circ Note may be a maximum of 500 characters, including spaces. If you enter more than the maximum number of characters allowed for the Comment or Circ Note, text will be truncated when you submit your changes.

      • The Circ Note is intended for use in noting damaged items on check in, identifying special handling requirements, or other related information. The Circ Note is shown in the Item Has Notes field on the Checkout Warning screen and Item Checkin screen in the Circulation module.
  3. If the item being added is a multi-volume, multi-part or serial title, enter the necessary information in the Enumeration and Chronology fields, as follows:
    • Enumeration:
      • Volume – alphanumeric entry, 32 characters maximum, including spaces
      • Issue – alphanumeric entry, 32 characters maximum, including spaces
      • Part – alphanumeric entry, 32 characters maximum, including spaces
      • Supplement – alphanumeric entry, 32 characters maximum, including spaces
      • Other – alphanumeric entry, 64 characters maximum, including spaces

        NOTE: If you enter greater than the maximum number of characters allowed for a given field, the content of the field will be truncated to the maximum character limit specified when the Item Record is saved.

    • Chronology:
      • Year – numeric entry, four digits

        NOTE: If you enter an invalid value for the Year, the message “Year must contain four numbers” displays below the Year text box when you exit the text box or when you save the Item Record. Re-enter the Year as necessary.

      • Month – alphanumeric entry, 20 characters maximum, including spaces
      • Season – alphanumeric entry, 24 characters maximum
      • Day – numeric entry, one or two digits from “1” to “31”

        NOTE: If you enter an invalid value for the Day, the message “Please enter a number between 1 and 31” displays below the Day text box when you exit the text box or when you save the Item Record. Re-enter the Day as necessary.

  4. When all desired information has been entered
    • To save the item record, click the Save button.
      • The system returns to the search results list or Manage Items screen, as applicable, and the new item record is added to your library’s main database.
    • To discard the item record without saving, click the Cancel button.
      • An advisory dialog displays the message “You have unsaved changes. Do you want to continue?”
      • Click the Ok button on the advisory dialog to discard the item record.
      • Click the Cancel button on the advisory dialog to close the dialog and return to the Add Item screen without discarding the item record.