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Viewing Branch Statistics

You can view statistics related to the number of items associated with all branches for a selected library.

To view Branch statistics:

  1. From the Locations Collections - Libraries screen (see Locations Collections for details), click the Expand link for the library for which you wish to view Branch Statistics.
    • The Locations Collections - Branches screen for the selected library displays.

Locations Collections - Branches Screen

Locations Collections - Branches Screen

  1. On the Locations Collections - Branches screen, click the Stats button.
    • The Branch Stats screen for the currently selected library displays. The date on which the statistics report was requested is shown at the top of the screen.

Branch Stats Screen

Branch Stats Screen

  1. The Branch Stats screen provides the following information for each branch:
    • Seq - the display sequence for the branch
    • Label - the name of the branch
    • Status - indicates whether or not the associated branch is currently Active or Inactive
    • Locs/Coll. with Cost - shows the total number of items held by the associated branch for which a Cost is specified in the item record.
    • value - shows the total dollar value of all items held by the associated branch for which a value is specified in the Cost field of the item record.
    • Items with Default Cost - shows the total number of items held by the associated branch for which no Cost is specified in the item record.
    • Value of Items with Default Cost – shows the total dollar value of all Items with Default Cost based on the default cost specified for the material type of the item (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details).
    • Total Value of Items by Locs/Coll.- the sum of the total dollar value of all Locs/Coll. with Cost and the total dollar value of all Items with Default Cost for the associated branch.
    • A grand Total for all branches associated with the currently selected library is shown at the bottom of the list.
    • To view statistics for items added to all branches for the currently selected location during a specified period:
      • Enter the desired starting and ending dates for the period in the Start Date and End Date text boxes using the format "MM/DD/YYYY", including slashes.
      • Click the Submit button. The screen refreshes to display statistics for the specified period.
  2. If desired, you may:
    • Print a copy of the Branch statistics report (see Printing Statistics for details)
    • Save a copy of the Branch statistics report to your local workstation (see Saving Statistics for details)
    • Email a copy of the Branch statistics report to yourself or to another party (see Emailing Statistics for details)
  3. Click the Close button on the Locations Collections - Branches screen to return to the Location Collections - Libraries screen.